Individual Sessions
One Participant - One Leader - One Horse - 100% of the time.
Freedom Reigns Ranch offers a unique program for applicants ages 5-35 that pairs a participant with a leader and a horse in an intentional, one-on-one mentor relationship. Individual sessions are 90 minutes in length and are scheduled per season on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.
The goal of Individual Sessions is to encourage growth in confidence, trust, and a healthy self-image by guiding, supporting, and encouraging the participant during Ranch activities. We are not a counseling agency who helps process the past but rather we seek to empower the participant to move forward to the person who God created them to be. Freedom Reigns understands that every participant deals with his or her own set of unique challenges, and session leaders work hard to adapt programming to meet those individual needs.
Our volunteer mentors help guide participants through different activities on the ranch where they can learn a healthy self-image, relational and communication skills, building trust, confidence, and setting boundaries.
Activities can include:
Horseback riding
Ground and liberty work with a horse
Hikes on the land
Farm chores
To ensure that we can serve as many participants as possible in the best way possible, we require all individuals requesting sessions to fill out an application. We also require individuals to complete a waiver for participants, parents/guardians, and any Ranch visitors. Please email theranch@freedomreignsranch.com with any questions.

All Ranch programs are free-of-charge. We rely on the generosity of our donors to ensure we are able to help bring hope and healing to those in our community.

Please note: We are not a professional counseling agency and operate as volunteer mentors who believe true hope and real healing are found in the person of Jesus Christ. We believe that counseling/therapy is an important aspect of healing from trauma and encourage survivors of trauma to pursue professional counseling.